
i caved.

i succumbed to the kilim pillow.

for the LIFE of me, i do not understand the appeal of a kilim pillow.

when i think pillow, i think comfy.  non-itchy.

kilim does not equate comfy in my mind.

and yet there it was at the thrift store, looking all vintage-y and all broken-in boho and all of $3 so i bought it.


yup, the internet pressures of must-have decor grabbed me, gripped me and now i’ve jumped on the kilim pillow train of discomfort. 

kilim pillow softness quotient:


itchiest, roughest thing i’ve ever felt in my life.

that said, if you wear several layers of clothing (and a parka) and lean against it, you don’t notice. 

just prior to finding this i spotted a half-price kilim vest in goodwill and bought it figuring i’d cut her up and sew ‘er into said pillow.  i was riding the planetary aligned kilim wave that week.  (rug and god’s eye were ebay purchases.  i’ve been cheating on my thrift stores with ebay.)

no need now.  i only need one itchy pillow in my pillow repertoire.